Journal of Information Systems Education (JISE)

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Volume 36, Issue 1, Winter 2025

1-12 Teaching Tip: Rethinking How We Teach Git: Pedagogical Recommendations and Practical Strategies for the Information Systems Curriculum
Gerit Wagner, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg
Laureen Thurner, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg

13-24 Teaching Tip: Experiential and Peer Learning in an IT Project Management Course: Flipped Classroom, Concept Maps, and Project Dojos
Elahe Javadi, Illinois State University
Judith Gebauer, University of North Carolina Wilmington
Season Tanner, State Farm

25-36 Teaching Tip: Integrating NoSQL Databases Into a Data Analytics Course
Madhav Sharma, Kansas State University
Andy Bowman, East Carolina University

37-52 Teaching Tip: Incorporating AI Tools Into Database Classes
Xiaoni Zhang, University of Alabama at Birmingham

53-64 Using Generative AI to Enhance Experiential Learning: An Exploratory Study of ChatGPT Use by University Students
Rui Sun, California State University, Dominguez Hills
Xuefei “Nancy” Deng, California State University, Dominguez Hills

65-76 Mapping Success in Business Analytics Education: The Role of Self-Efficacy, Presence, and Demographics
Mandy Yan Dang, Northern Arizona University
Yulei Gavin Zhang, Northern Arizona University
Bo Wen, Northern Arizona University
Steven Liu, Northern Arizona University
Yiyan Stella Li, Northern Arizona University
Howard Qi, Northern Arizona University

About JISE

ISSN#: 1055-3096 (print)
ISSN#: 2574-3872 (online)

The Journal of Information Systems Education (JISE) is a peer reviewed journal published quarterly that focuses on IS education, pedagogy, and curriculum including (but not limited to) model curriculum, course projects/cases, course materials, curriculum design & implementation, outcomes assessment, distance education challenges, capstone learning projects, technology selection & impact, and industry relations.

The mission of JISE is to be the premier journal on information systems (IS) education. To support that mission, JISE emphasizes quality and relevance in the papers that it publishes. In addition, JISE recognizes the international influences on IS education and seeks international input in all aspects of the journal, including authorship, reviewing, and Editorial Board membership.

JISE operates as a Diamond Open Access journal. This means that there are no subscription fees, no submission/processing fees, and no publication fees. All papers published in JISE have undergone rigorous peer review. This includes an initial editor screening and double-blind refereeing by three or more expert reviewers. JISE follows industry standard ethical guidelines for all aspects of operations (submissions, reviews, editing, publishing, etc.). Additional details are available regarding the submission process and the types of articles.

Past Editors-in-Chief

Lee A. Freeman, 2014-2021, Vol. 25-32
Susan E. Kruck, 2009-2014, Vol. 21-25
Albert L. Harris, 2000-2009, Vol. 12-20
Kevin L. Elder, 1997-2000, Vol. 9-11
Mary Jo Haught, 1995-1996, Vol. 7-8
Alka Harriger, 1988-1994, Vol. 1-6

ISCAP Conference

The Information Systems & Computing Academic Professionals (ISCAP) Conference is a peer-reviewed conference for academic professionals and institutions of higher learning focused on Information Systems education including (but not limited to) model curriculum, assessment, distance education challenges, capstone and service-learning projects, and information systems research geared toward educators. ISCAP 2023 in Albuquerque, New Mexico was a great success! ISCAP 2024 will be held in Baltimore, Maryland on Wednesday, November 6 - Saturday, November 9, 2024. Check out for full details regarding the call for participation, key dates, and more.

Copyright Information

Copyright © Information Systems and Computing Academic Professionals (ISCAP). Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this journal for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that the copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial use. All copies must bear this notice and full citation. Permission from the Editor is required to post to servers, redistribute to lists, or utilize in a for-profit or commercial use. Permission requests should be sent to the Editor at

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