Journal of Information Systems Education (JISE)

Volume 8

Volume 8 Number 2-3, Pages 14-19

Summer/Fall 1996

Communicating with Multimedia: A Capstone Experience

Susan B. Zahn
T. M. Rajkumar
Christopher J. Zahn

Miami University
Oxford, OH 45056, USA

Abstract: As communication technology in the workplace becomes more complex, students need to learn how to evaluate and develop applications for that technology. This article describes a team-taught, interdisciplinary multimedia development course created to address such technology issues. Included in this description is a rationale for the course, an overview of the topics covered, and the development projects assigned in this capstone course. Based on our belief that high-quality multimedia applications are the result of team-based development, the class reflects a collaborative learning model. Undergraduate students from two academic disciplines, Management and Information Science and Communication, shared their expertise in computing, electronic media production, and group communication and presentational skills.

Keywords: Multimedia development, Authoring, Editing, Capstone, Collaborative learning

Download this article: JISE - Volume 8 Number 2-3, Page 14.pdf

Recommended Citation: Zahn, S. B., Rajkumar, T. M., & Zahn, C. J. (1996). Communicating with Multimedia: A Capstone Experience. Journal of Information Systems Education, 8(2-3), 14-19.