Journal of Information Systems Education (JISE)

Volume 4

Volume 4, Number 4, Pages 8-14

Winter 1992

Academic Computing in U.S. Colleges and Universities: A Survey

Adolph I. Katz
Fairfield University
Fairfield, CT 06430, USA

Michael Castonguay
MBI Corporation
Norwalk, CT 06857, USA

Abstract: A sample of colleges was surveyed to obtain a snapshot of how these colleges were using information technology in academic programs. The schools included in the survey were not a random sample. Our intent was to discover what colleges, large and small, were doing with computers, networks, and software. Our results are not meant to be interpreted beyond this objective.

The study reveals a broad range of applications and diverse levels of use of information technology. While five of the 33 schools in the survey require entering freshmen to purchase a computer, several schools have student-machine ratios of 40:1 or higher. Word processing is the dominant application. As the institutions move to computer networking, there is a trend towards increased use of E-mail, on-line library access, and computer-conferencing. Multimedia approaches to instruction are also occurring, stimulated in part by the availability of extensive compact disc libraries of audio, textual, photographic, video, and graphic materials. Systems and software training, for faculty and students, are major costs for academic computing services.

Keywords: Information technology, University computing, Academic computing

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Recommended Citation: Katz, A. I., & Castonguay, M. (1992). Academic Computing in U.S. Colleges and Universities: A Survey. Journal of Information Systems Education, 4(4), 8-14.