Journal of Information Systems Education (JISE)

Volume 35

Volume 35, Issue 1, Pages 37-47

Winter 2024

Teaching Tip
Teaching Scrum Product Owner Competencies Using an Experiential Learning Simulation

Mark F. Thouin
William E. Hefley

University of Texas at Dallas
Richardson, TX 75080, USA

Abstract: The product owner role is one of three key roles in the Scrum software development process. Industry demand for product owners is growing exponentially, and educators need effective techniques for teaching students the knowledge, skills, and competencies required to be effective product owners. To address this need, this Teaching Tip describes how SimAgile, an experiential learning simulation, may be used as one part of a series of Scrum-based assignments to help students better understand the product owner role and the competencies required to be an effective product owner. Results from a graduate class on agile project management indicate that when SimAgile is combined with complementary Scrum workflow assignments students report high levels of active learning, relevance, and utility and closely mirrors real world product-owner experiences. Furthermore, students are able to successfully identify product-owner competency requirements upon completion of assignments. With minor modifications, the simulation and Scrum workflow assignments may also be used for undergraduate students. Using the simulation in combination with supplemental Scrum workflow assignments appears to be an approach well suited for teaching students about the product owner role in a classroom setting and will help educators meet the growing demand for product owners in industry.

Keywords: Product owner, Agile, Scrum, Experiential learning & education, Competency, SimAgile

Download This Article: JISE2024v35n1pp37-47.pdf

Recommended Citation: Thouin, M. F., & Hefley, W. E. (2024). Teaching Tip: Teaching Scrum Product Owner Competencies Using an Experiential Learning Simulation. Journal of Information Systems Education, 35(1), 37-47.