Journal of Information Systems Education (JISE)

Volume 34

Volume 34, Issue 3, Pages 326-332

Summer 2023

Reflections on Supervising the Postgraduate Students’ Design Science Research Thesis

Samuli Pekkola
Tampere University
Tampere, Finland

Abstract: Design science research (DSR) is an appropriate method for postgraduate-level (MSc) thesis work, where the students need to combine and apply theoretical knowledge and hands-on skills to solve practical problems. Students face considerable challenges, however, when applying DSR in timeboxed situations with limited competences. In this paper, I reflect on my experiences supervising more than 200 MSc theses, many using—and some that intended to use—DSR. My reflections provide teaching tips to educators and supervisors and show a need for new DSR process and evaluation methods.

Keywords: Design science research (DSR), Postgraduate education, Supervisor, Reflection, Teaching tip

Download This Article: JISE2023v34n3pp326-332.pdf

Recommended Citation: Pekkola, S. (2023). Reflections on Supervising the Postgraduate Students’ Design Science Research Thesis. Journal of Information Systems Education, 34(3), 326-332.