Journal of Information Systems Education (JISE)

Volume 31

Volume 31 Issue 1, Pages 1-11

Winter 2020

Teaching Tip
Applying Team-Based Learning in Online Introductory Information Systems Courses

Samuel H. Goh
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Birmingham, AL 35294, USA

Paul M. Di Gangi
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Birmingham, AL 35294, USA

Ken Gunnells
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Birmingham, AL 35294, USA

Abstract: Over the last two decades, the academy has experienced a renaissance of diversity in pedagogical techniques with the introduction of experiential learning, active learning, flipping the classroom, and, more recently, team-based learning (TBL). TBL adopts a two-stage process that incorporates individual learning with team collaboration. While frequently implemented in a face-to-face classroom, TBL has received limited attention in the online learning environment where geographically distributed, asynchronous learning poses challenges to its fundamental design. In particular, coordination costs and sequential inter- dependencies within the learning experience create unique challenges to online environments where students use limited communication channels compared to the traditional, face-to-face environments. This teaching tip discusses the authors’ experiences translating the principles of TBL and its learning sequence to an online introductory information systems course. We present instructor observations and qualitative feedback from students as the approach was implemented, including a model that outlines key activities in its implementation. We then conclude with a series of teaching suggestions to fellow academics seeking to adapt TBL to the online environment in their courses.

Keywords: Team-based learning, Online education, Virtual teams, Collaboration, Curriculum design & development

Download this article: JISE - Volume 31 Issue 1, Page 1.pdf

Recommended Citation: Goh, S. H., Di Gangi, P. M., & Gunnells, K. (2020). Teaching Tip: Applying Team-Based Learning in Online Introductory Information Systems Courses. Journal of Information Systems Education, 31(1), 1-11.