Journal of Information Systems Education (JISE)

Volume 30

Volume 30 Issue 4, Pages 321-326

Fall 2019

Invited Paper
Bridging the Gap between IS Education and IS Research: What Can be done to Help?

Allen S. Lee
Virginia Commonwealth University
Richmond, VA 23284, USA

Abstract: This article is a written version of the remarks delivered in a keynote address given at the 2018 joint conference of EDSIGCON and CONISAR. The article examines the problem of the gap between information systems education and information systems research. I cover what the problem looks like, three causes of the gap, three ways to bridge the gap, and three long-term strategies.

Keywords: AACSB, Academic history, IS education, IS research

Download this article: JISE - Volume 30 Issue 4, Page 321.pdf

Recommended Citation: Lee, A. S. (2019). Invited Paper: Bridging the Gap between IS Education and IS Research: What Can be done to Help? Journal of Information Systems Education, 30(4), 321-326.