Journal of Information Systems Education (JISE)

Volume 23

Volume 23 Number 4, Pages 341-344

Winter 2012

Teaching Tip
Using Rapid Game Prototyping for Exploring Requirements Discovery and Modeling

Nikunj Dalal
Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, OK 74078, USA

Abstract: We describe the use of rapid game prototyping as a pedagogic technique to experientially explore and learn requirements discovery, modeling, and specification in systems analysis and design courses. Students have a natural interest in gaming that transcends age, gender, and background. Rapid digital game creation is used to build computer games quickly and easily using game creation software that requires little or no programming knowledge. It enables the developer to build a quick prototype game and to view the effects of changes almost immediately. The process can be seen as learning-by-making and learning-bydesign, which are grounded in the learning theories of social constructivism and constructionism. Viewing the game as a system, students worked on an assignment to create a game prototype for a user, determine requirements, and specify the requirements using use-case diagrams and UML class diagrams. Students found this approach innovative, instructive, and entertaining. We describe this approach and outline its benefits.

Keywords: Systems analysis & design, Systems thinking, Modeling, Requirements analysis & specification, Teaching tip, Game theory

Download this article: JISE - Volume 23 Number 4, Page 341.pdf

Recommended Citation: Dalal, N. (2012). Teaching Tip: Using Rapid Game Prototyping for Exploring Requirements Discovery and Modeling. Journal of Information Systems Education, 23(4), 341-344.