Journal of Information Systems Education (JISE)

Volume 14

Volume 14 Number 3, Pages 319-324

Fall 2003

Teaching Case
Configuring an ERP System: Introducing Best Practices or Hampering Flexibility?

Olga Volkoff
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Worcester, MA 01609, USA

Abstract: The purpose of this teaching case is to help students gain an appreciation of some of the challenges inherent in implementing large software packages such as ERP systems. First it attempts to give a concrete sense of what it means to “configure” software. It then introduces the student to some of the standard dilemmas a company faces trying to make packaged software fit specific business needs. In looking at the gaps between a specific business process and the ERP application’s functionality, the case introduces the student to the way in which ERP systems demand structure in the business processes they support, and the resulting tension between managerial control and organizational flexibility. The case also illustrates some of the ways companies try to address the gaps between what they want and what the software offers.

Keywords: ERP systems, Packaged software implementation, Configuration, Gap analysis

Download this article: JISE - Volume 14 Number 3, Page 319.pdf

Recommended Citation: Volkoff, O. (2003). Teaching Case: Configuring an ERP System: Introducing Best Practices or Hampering Flexibility? Journal of Information Systems Education, 14(3), 319-324.