Journal of Information Systems Education (JISE)

Volume 2

Volume 2, Number 2, Pages 11-16

Summer 1990

Does Instruction in Computer Programming Improve Problem Solving Ability?

Craig A. VanLengen
Northern Arizona University
Flagstaff, AZ 86011, USA

Cleborne D. Maddux
University of Nevada - Reno
Reno, NV 89557, USA

Abstract: Many schools and colleges of business teach computer programming in the introduction to computers course. The rationale for teaching computer programming is that it aids in the development of critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making skills. This contention is not supported by empirical data. An experimental study was conducted to ascertain if instruction in computer programming improved problem solving ability. The results of the study did not show support of improved problem solving ability from instruction in computer programming. Recommendations for changes in curriculum and teaching strategies are made as possible ways to make instruction in computer programming effective as a means of improving problem solving ability.

Keywords: Computer programming, Problem solving, Critical thinking, Introduction to CIS, Computer literacy, Teaching methods, Curricula development: lower division

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Recommended Citation: VanLengen, C. A. & Maddux, C. D. (1990). Does Instruction in Computer Programming Improve Problem Solving Ability? Journal of Information Systems Education, 2(2), 11-16.