Volume 20 Number 1, Spring 2009 | |
5 |
Teaching Tip: Using Word Scrambles as an Information Systems Creativity Warm-Up Exercise
Steven M. Dunphy, Indiana University Northwest Constance C. Milbourne, Indiana University Northwest
13 |
Teaching Tip: Usability: A Teaching and School Service Project
Johnny Snyder, Mesa State College
17 |
Teaching Case: Enhancing Knowledge Integration: An Information System Capstone Project
David M. Steiger, University of Maine
25 |
Teaching Case: A Network Implementation Class Exercise: BusinessQuest Business Incubator, LLC
Priscilla A. Arling, Butler University
29 |
Business Faculty and Undergraduate Students' Perceptions of Online Learning: A Comparitive Study
John R. Tanner, University of Louisiana - Lafayette Thomas C. Noser, Western Kentucky University Michael W. Totaro, University of Louisiana - Lafayette
41 |
Using Google AdWords in the MBA MIS Course
Mark A. Rosso, North Carolina Central Univeristy Marilyn K. McClelland, North Carolina Central University Bernard J. Jansen, Pennsylvania State University Sundar W. Fleming, North Carolina State University
51 |
Moral Problems Perceived by Industry in Collaboration with a Student Group: Balancing between Beneficial Objectives and Upholding Relations
Tero Vartiainen, Turku School of Economics
67 |
Building Real World Domain-Specific Social Network Websites as a Capstone Project
Kwok-Bun Yue, University of Houston - Clear Lake Dilhar De Silva, AtLink Communications Dan Kim, University of Houston - Clear Lake Mirac Aktepe, University of Houston - Clear Lake Stewart Nagle, University of Houston - Clear Lake Chris Boerger, University of Houston - Clear Lake Anubha Jain, University of Houston - Clear Lake Sunny Verma, University of Houston - Clear Lake
77 |
Designing IS Curricula for Practical Relevance: Applying Baseball's "Moneyball" Theory
Nanda C. Surendra, West Virginia University James W. Denton, West Virginia University
87 |
The Effects of Flow on Learning Outcomes in an Online Information Management Course
Don Rossin, University of Michigan - Dearborn Young K. Ro, University of Michigan - Dearborn Barbara D. Klein, University of Michigan - Dearborn Yi M. Guo, University of Michigan - Dearborn
99 |
Synthesizing Huber's Problem Solving and Kolb's Learning Cycle: A Balanced Approach to Technical Problem Solving
Arnold Kamis, Suffolk University Beverly K. Kahn, Suffolk University |
Volume 20 Number 2, Summer 2009 Special Issue on the Impacts of Web 2.0 and Virtual World Technologies on IS Education |
123 |
Teaching Tip: Microsoft or Google Web 2.0 Tools for Course Management
Thomas Rienzo, Western Michigan University Bernard Han, Western Michigan University
129 |
Teaching Tip: Tweeting the Night Away: Using Twitter to Enhance Social Presence
Joanna C. Dunlap, University of Colorado - Denver Patrick R. Lowenthal, University of Colorado - Denver
137 |
Web 2.0 and Virtual World Technologies: A Growing Impact on IS Education
Albert L. Harris, Appalachian State University Alan Rea, Western Michigan University
145 |
Using Web Technology to Teach Students about their Digital World
Lynn M. Braender, The College of New Jersey Craig M. Kapp, The College of New Jersey Jeddel Yeras, The College of New Jersey
155 |
Using Web 2.0 Technologies to Meet Quality Matters (QM) Requirements
Lissa Pollacia, Northwestern State University Terrie McCallister, Northwestern State University
165 |
Using Web 2.0 to Support Active Learning Experiences
Jo Williams, University of Southern Maine Susan J. Chinn, University of Southern Maine
175 |
Does it Really Matter? Using Virtual Office Hours to Enhance Student-Faculty Interaction
Lei Li, Columbus State University Jennifer P. Pitts, Columbus State University
187 |
Investigating Pedagogical Value of Wiki Technology
Sunil Hazari, University of West Georgia Alexa North, University of West Georgia Deborah Moreland, North Metro Technical College
199 |
Selecting a Virtual World Platform for Learning
Russell W. Robbins, University of Pittsburgh Brian S. Butler, University of Pittsburgh
211 |
Virtual Worlds as a Context Suited for Information Systems Education: Discussion of Pedagogical Experience and Curriculum Design with Reference to Second Life
Carl Dreher, Curtin Business School Torsten Reiners, University of Hamburg Naomi Dreher, Curtin Business School Heinz Dreher, Curtin Business School
225 |
Intentions to use Virtual Worlds for Education
Jia Shen, Rider University Lauren B. Eder, Rider University
235 |
Extending the Classroom through Second Life
Yuanqiong Wang, Towson University James Braman, Towson University
249 |
Action Learning with Second Life: A Pilot Study
Christian Wagner, City University of Hong Kong Rachael K. F. Ip, City University of Hong Kong |
Volume 20 Number 3, Fall 2009 | |
269 |
Teaching Tip: An Approach to Reducing Cognitive Load in the Teaching of Introductory Database Concepts
John M. Bunch, The SAJES Group, Inc.
277 |
Teaching Tip: An Inexpensive Device for Teaching Public Key Encryption
Norman Pendegraft, University of Idaho
281 |
Teaching Case: Migrating Legacy Systems in the Global Merger & Acquisition Environment
Pairin Katerattanakul, Western Michigan University Hwee-Joo Kam, North Central Michigan University James J. Lee, Seattle University Soongoo Hong, Dong-A University
289 |
An Exploratory Review of Design Principles in Constructivist Gaming Learning Environments
Roberto A. Muñoz Rosario, New Jersey Institute of Technology George R. Widmeyer, New Jersey Institute of Technology
301 |
Improving the Communication Skills of IS Developers during Requirements Elicitation using Experiential Learning
Mustafa H. Qurban, King Fahd Military Medical Complex Richmond D. Austria, King Fahd Military Medical Complex
313 |
Desirable ICT Graduate Attributes: Theory vs. Practice
J. Debuse, University of the Sunshine Coast M. Lawley, University of the Sunshine Coast
325 |
Interdisciplinary Student Teams Projects: A Case Study
S. E. Kruck, James Madison University Faye P. Teer, James Madison University
331 |
The Importance of Synchronous Interaction for Student Satisfaction with Course Web Sites
Qidong Cao, Winthrop University Thomas E. Griffin, Nova Southeastern University Xue Bai, Virginia State University
339 |
Virtualization Technologies in Information Systems Education
Dale L. Lunsford, University of Southern Mississippi
349 |
Knowledge and Skill Requirements for Entry-Level Information Technology Workers: A Comparison of Industry and Academia
Cheryl L. Aasheim, Georgia Southern University Lixin Li, Georgia Southern University Susan Williams, Georgia Southern University
357 |
MIS versus Computer Science: An Empirical Comparison of the Influences on the Students' Choice of Major
James. P. Downey, University of Central Arkansas Ronnie McGaughey, University of Central Arkansas David Roach, Arkansas Tech University
369 |
Practicing Learner-Centered Teaching: Pedagogical Design and Assessment of a Second Life Project
Shu Z. Schiller, Wright State University |
Volume 20 Number 4, Winter 2009 | |
393 |
Teaching Tip: CFC (Comment-First-Coding): A Simple yet Effective Method for Teaching Programming to Information Systems Students
Arijit Sengupta, Wright State University
401 |
Teaching Case: Enabling Business Processed thorugh Information Management and IT Systems: The FastFit and Winter Gear Distributors Case Studies
Richard M. Kesner, Northeastern University Bruce Russell, Northeastern University
407 |
Filling the Pipeline for IS Professionals: What can IS Faculty Do?
William Kuechler, University of Nevada - Reno Alexander McLeod, University of Nevada - Reno Mark G. Simkin, University of Nevada - Reno
419 |
Assessing Students' Learning in MIS using Concept Mapping
Andreas Gregoriades, European University Cyprus Maria Pampaka, University of Manchester Harris Michail, University of Patras
431 |
Interpreting Beyond Syntactics: A Semiotic Learning Model of Computer Programming Languages
Jeffrey May, James Madison University Gurpreet Dhillon, Virginia Commonwealth University
439 |
Partnering with the Majors: A Process Approach to Increasing IS Enrollment
Hope Koch, Baylor University Timothy Kayworth, Baylor University
451 |
The IS Core: An Integration of the Core IS Courses
Conan C. Albrecht, Brigham Young University Marshall Romney, Brigham Young University Paul B. Lowry, Brigham Young University Greg Moody, University of Pittsburgh
469 |
A Comparison of Information Systems Programs at AACSB and ACBSP Schools in Relation to IS 2002 Model Curricula
J. David Lifer, Ashland University Kristine Parsons, Ashland University Robert E. Miller, Central Michigan University
477 |
The Impact of a Computer Proficiency Exam on Business Students' Admission to and Performance in a Higher-Level IT Course
Patrick J. Rondeau, Butler University Xiaolin Li, Towson University |