The Journal of Information Systems Education (JISE) invites submissions for a Special Issue titled “Design Science Education” expected to be published in middle 2023.
Design Science (DS) as a research paradigm has largely gained popularity in the Information Systems (IS) discipline. The paradigm has been increasingly applied to design and evaluate novel IS artifacts to address identified problems (Antunes et al., 2021; Hevner et al., 2004; Thuan et al., 2019; vom Brocke et al., 2020). With its capability of problem solving and innovation, DS has the potential to complement the traditional IS curriculum. DS education has emerged as a pedagogical option in undergraduate courses, postgraduate studies, and PhD studies (Goldkuhl et al., 2017; Hevner, 2021; Winter & vom Brocke, 2021).
This special issue intends to gather scholars’ and educators’ perspectives regarding DS education. It seeks to extend Schön’s (1992) remark that “there is a great potential for learning through design” (p. 131), while simultaneously bringing to the fore key characteristics and critical thoughts on DS education. The special issue will focus on how DS has been used to transform teaching and learning practices across diverse domains, educational contexts, and course sizes. Further, it will cover a wide range of aspects related to the use of DS education, such as integration of DS in undergraduate courses, adoption of DS in postgraduate studies and PhD studies, applicability of different DS artefacts in education, pedagogical principles of DS education, DS education frameworks, theoretical approaches, managerial perspectives, and possible curriculum issues, etc.
We invite positioning, theoretical and empirical papers, teaching cases, and practical teaching tips to consolidate the notion of DS education and relevant practices. We welcome submissions of high-quality, innovative, and insightful articles. Topics include but are not limited to:
Papers for this special issue are due on July 15, 2022. Prospective authors are welcome to submit an abstract to the Guest Editors for preliminary feedback on the appropriateness of their planned manuscript. Please send your abstracts in Microsoft Word format by email to the corresponding Guest Editor: Nguyen Hoang Thuan at with the subject "JISE Special Issue." Papers should not exceed 8,000 words including all sections, figures, tables, and references. All papers will be blind peer reviewed and are subject to editing for journal style, clarity, organization, and space. Please refer to the JISE submission guidelines for additional information.
Paper submissions will be done via EasyChair: Submission link