Journal of Information Systems Education (JISE)

Volume 8

Volume 8, Number 2-3, Pages 57-65

Summer/Fall 1996

Market Segmentation of Information Systems Academic Programs

Choong C. Lee
Salisbury State University
Salisbury, MD 21801, USA

William J. Kettinger
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC 29208, USA

Jean-Pierre Kullboer
University of Massachusetts at Boston
Boston, MA 02125, USA

Abstract: Past Information Systems (IS) curriculum studies recognize the importance of the practitioner’s perspective and attempt to incorporate “real world” IS skill requirements within recommended IS model curriculum guidelines. While recent IS curriculum recommendations move towards a greater customer orientation, many practitioners still feel IS education programs are not producing the types of IS professionals needed on their job sites. This raises an important question: Given the significant role that practitioners have played in recommending new curriculum designs, why are IS practitioners not satisfied with the quality and skill training of IS graduates? While many reasons, such as poor curriculum implementation and the rapid change of technology, may contribute to this problem, a significant contributor may be that blanket adoption of national IS model curriculum fails to recognize the basic marketing concept of segmentation. We posit that understanding the customers of IS academic programs in segmented markets should lead to better designed curriculum and accordingly, deliver students that better meet specific market demands. Rather than simply ranking IS employer skill preferences on a national basis, this study relies on the marketing reference discipline for guidance in introducing a market segmentation model and an implementation approach to help bridge the gap between academia and practitioners.

Keywords: Skills, IS curriculum, Market segmentation, Environment, IS skill preference

Download this article: JISEv8n2-3p57.pdf

Recommended Citation: Lee, C. C., Kettinger, W. J., & Kullboer, J.-P. (1996). Market Segmentation of Information Systems Academic Programs. Journal of Information Systems Education, 8(2-3), 57-65.