Journal of Information Systems Education (JISE)

Volume 5

Volume 5 Number 2, Pages 36-41

Summer 1993

The Database Project: Maximizing its Value

Bruce Rollier
University of Baltimore
Baltimore, MD 21201, USA

Abstract: The demand for employees with useful knowledge and skills for operating in a DBMS environment is increasing. Students must acquire technical database skills, but technical expertise is not sufficient; they must also be knowledgeable in other functional areas of the business, so that they will be competent to determine information needs of users. A carefully designed database project can facilitate deeper student understanding of important database concepts, while at the same time helping them to relate the textbook concepts to a simplified but realistic business environment. The goal is to provide them with a set of skills which will enable them to be productive but also adaptable to a wide range of business situations. This paper discusses the learning objectives of the project as well as other operational, pedagogical, and administrative issues.

Keywords: Database, DBMS, Curriculum, Teaching methods, Project

Download this article: JISE - Volume 5 Number 2, Page 36.pdf

Recommended Citation: Rollier, B. (1993). The Database Project: Maximizing its Value. Journal of Information Systems Education, 5(2), 36-41.