Journal of Information Systems Education (JISE)

Volume 27

Volume 27 Number 1, Pages 51-60

Winter 2016

Antecedents to Team Performance on Student IT Projects

Douglas Havelka
Miami University
Oxford, OH 45056, USA

Abstract: A study was performed to test the impact of factors suggested by social capital and social cognitive theories as important antecedents to team performance on information technology (IT) course projects. Specifically, the impact of personal outcome expectations and social interaction ties on the quality and quantity of knowledge sharing is examined; then, the impact of the quality and quantity of knowledge sharing on team performance is analyzed. The analysis is performed using the partial least squares approach to structural equation modeling. The results indicate that personal outcome expectations significantly impact knowledge sharing while no evidence was found for a relationship between social interaction ties and knowledge sharing. Additionally, both the quantity and quality of knowledge sharing were found to have significant positive effects on team performance.

Keywords: Knowledge sharing, Team performance, Team projects, Social capital, Social cognitive theory

Download this article: JISE - Volume 27 Number 1, Page 51.pdf

Recommended Citation: Havelka, D. (2016). Antecedents to Team Performance on Student IT Projects. Journal of Information Systems Education, 27(1), 51-60.