Journal of Information Systems Education (JISE)

Initial Submission Instructions

General Formatting
The initial manuscript should be double-spaced, contain a single column, utilize 12-point Times New Roman font, and contain 1" margins on all sides. The title should be centered across the top of the first and second pages, be of 18-point Times New Roman font, and use Title Case (i.e., have only the initial letters capitalized). Major headings are to be centered, numbered (e.g., 1.), in a capitalized bold font. First level sub-headings are to be numbered (e.g., 1.1), in a bold font, Title Case, and left justified. No blank line is to appear between the first level sub-heading and the text. Tables and figures should be included in the text and should appear in the text right after the paragraph in which they were referenced. Manuscripts should be edited for spelling and grammar.

JISE manuscripts use the active voice, rather than the passive voice, when at all possible. Manuscripts should not normally exceed 30 double-spaced pages inclusive of all content and sections. Longer articles may be considered by the Editor on a case-by-case basis. No biography or picture should be included for initial submission.

Page 1
Page 1 of your submission should contain the title of the manuscript and should identify all authors, including authors' names, mailing addresses, and e-mail addresses. Authors' names should not appear anywhere else in the manuscript, except possibly as part of the reference list. If you are citing your own work, it must be blind; for example, "in our previous research (2018)," should be rephrased as "previous research suggests... (Doe, 2018)" or another appropriate variation.

Page 2
Page 2 of your submission should contain the title of the manuscript followed by an Abstract that does not exceed 250 words. The Abstract is followed by 4 to 6 keywords and then the text of the manuscript. Although not required, authors are strongly encouraged to select 4-6 appropriate keywords from the “JISE Keywords” list.

In-Text Citations
Format of in-text citations is the same as the 7th edition of APA. When citing references in the text, type the last name and year. The citation should appear in parentheses (Dickson, 2011). Groups of citations should appear in a single set of parentheses separated by semi-colons and ordered alphabetically by author last name (Cummings & Janicki, 2020; Dickson, 2011; Forst et al., 2021; Laudon & Laudon, 2019; Zhang et al., 2020). If two or more papers are cited that were written by the same author, separate the years with commas (Harris, 1995, 1996). List all last names of references with two or fewer authors (Cummings & Janicki, 2020; Dickson, 2011; Laudon & Laudon, 2019). If there are more than two authors, list the last name of the first author, followed by et al. for the citation (Forst et al., 2021; Zhang et al., 2020), but list all authors in the reference section.

List all references at the end of the paper in alphabetical order by primary author last name. No blank lines should appear between references. Format of references is similar to the 7th edition of APA, except the following: (1) use Title Case instead of Sentence case for the article title, (2) do NOT italicize the volume number, and (3) utilize the hanging indent format with 0.2" indent. Each entry in this section should have accurate and complete information (author names, year, article title, journal name, volume number, issue number, page numbers). Following are six examples:

Cummings, J., & Janicki, T. N. (2020). What Skills Do Students Need? A Multi-Year Study of IT/IS Knowledge and Skills in Demand by Employers. Journal of Information Systems Education, 31(3), 208-217.

Dickson, P. E. (2011). Using Undergraduate Teaching Assistants in a Small College Environment. Proceedings of the 42nd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (pp. 75-80). New York, NY: ACM.

Forst, R., Matta, V., & Kenyo, L. (2021). Teaching Tip: A System to Automate Scaffolding and Formative Assessment While Preventing Plagiarism: Enhancing Learning in IS and Analytics Courses That Use Excel. Journal of Information Systems Education, 32(4), 228-243.

Initial Submission Instructions. (2021).

Laudon, K. C., & Laudon, J. P. (2019). Essentials of Management Information Systems (13th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ, USA: Pearson.

Zhang, X., Crabtree, J. D., Terwilliger, M. G., & Jenkins, J. T. (2020). Teaching Tip: Teaching Introductory Programming from A to Z: Twenty-Six Tips from the Trenches. Journal of Information Systems Education, 31(2), 106-118.

Electronic Submissions
JISE only accepts electronic submissions of manuscripts. To submit a manuscript for the review process, send an email to the Editor at with the manuscript as an attachment (Word only). In the body of your message include the author(s) name(s), contact information for the corresponding author, as well as the title and type (article, teaching tip, or teaching case) of your submission. All contributions must be submitted in English.

Questions should be addressed to the Editor at

Guidance for Teaching Tips

JISE solicits teaching tips for a regular column on "Teaching Tips." Tips should address the author's experience using the tip (both what worked and what didn’t work). For more information on writing IS teaching tips, see the paper "Writing IS Teaching Tips: Guidelines for JISE Submission" published in JISE 23(1).

Guidance for Teaching Cases

JISE solicits teaching cases for publication and use by readers in their curriculums. Case study approaches to teaching information systems concepts are recognized as important and valuable techniques. Cases promote active learning-by-doing, rather than the more traditional lecture-based approach, and thus encourage the development of those higher-level skills (such as creative problem-solving, interpersonal communication, and group/teamwork) that employers increasingly demand of new graduates and prospective employees.

Teaching notes should accompany the case submission as a separate file. These notes might include Discussion, Questions/Answers, or Proposed Solutions for use by the instructor using the case. Each question is followed by a suggested answer. This discussion might also address common misunderstandings of students about the case or features of the case that some insightful students will notice while others will overlook. Questions/Answers or Proposed Solutions for project-based (systems solutions) cases will include tables, charts, systems prototype screens, or diagrams that present the solution. For example, for a systems analysis & design case, the proposed solution might include data and process diagrams, a table listing the entities and attributes, and sample systems outputs. A programming case might include the program code. Teaching notes will not be published in JISE, but will be made available to verified instructors through a password-protected portion of the JISE website. This will prevent students from going to the library and getting "the answers" as proposed by the authors.

For more information on writing IS teaching cases, see the paper "Writing IS Teaching Cases: Guidelines for JISE Submission" published in JISE 13(4).